Please click on each appliance to learn more.

C317 HGB Bedford Warrior Water Tender Ladder

C836 AAS Bedford CF Midi

D999 SSU Scania G82M Water Tender Ladder

DGD 213X Water Tender Ladder Midi

EW 9795

G538 PGE 1990 Scania G93M Water Tender Ladder

GGX 583 Austin K2 ATV

GGX 689 1941 Austin K2 Hose Reel Tender


HSU 109A 1963 Land Rover Redwing

K665 OSU 1993 Volvo FL6-18 Water Tender Ladder

KHS 590 Dennis F12 Pump Escape

KHS 842 1953 Dennis F8 Major Pump

KSF 404 Dennis F8 Pump

L984 VHS Volkswagon LT50 Volunteer Support Unit

Land Rover SFO 673

LSB 149 1964 Austin Hosereel Tender

N375 RRU 1995 Dennis Sabre Water Tender Ladder

OGD 142M Land Rover Light Pump

One of Our Dennis Appliances had been missing from the appliance page.

Photo of the week.


SFX 159

Some cracking pictures by Davie Mac on his travels over the summer with the SFB Heritage Trust.

Some of the Legends we have of the Strathclyde fleet within the SFB heritage trust.

THS 825 1961 Austin Gipsy L4P

VDS 106R

Volvo HP – Strathclyde Fire and Rescue – AYR High Reach Appliance

WGA 714H

YHS 151H 1970 Dennis F108 Water Tender Escape